Current Vacancies

The following vacancies are currently open at MASH:

  • Part Time Specialist Asthma Nurse
  • MASH Trustees
  • Volunteers

You can find details of this below and request the job description.


If you would like more information, have questions or would like to discuss this role, and/or an application pack, then please either fill in the form below, email or call 01634 855844.


We look forward to hearing from you!

Part-Time Asthma Specialist Nurse


Have you got what it takes to help Medway Asthma Self-Help (MASH) continue the valuable work it has been doing in Medway since 1996 to help asthmatics and their families? This Part-Time Asthma Specialist Nurse role will include covering our specialist sessions, supporting children, young people, adults and vulnerable people across Medeay. MASH works with GPs, Health Professionals, hospitals and Asthma and Lung UK to help improve lives of asthma sufferers in Medway.


It is essential that the candidate must hold RGN or RCN qualifications / registration and have a valid NMC pin. They must also have extensive experience with asthma across all age groups, with advanced social and communication skills and an Enhanced DBS Clearance. They must also hold indemnity through RCN or equivalent.


It is desirable, but not essential that the candidate holds a recognised asthma qualification, is able to carry out Spirometry / FeNO testing to ARTP Standard and able to carry out Skin Prick Testing. 


Salary is negotiable, dependent on experience (Band 6/7)


The candidate we seek, will lead the weekly half-day appointment-based clinic ( roughly 3 hours), working closely with our administrator and team of committed volunteers. The role is part diagnosis, part awareness raising and information sharing, with the aim of helping those with asthma live as normal a life as possible. 


Find out more about this role by downloading the job description.

MASH Asthma Specialist Nurse Job Description 2024
Asthma Specialist Nurse Job Description [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [186.4 KB]
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MASH Annual Report 2023 - 2024
Annual Report 2023 - 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.1 MB]
Registered Charity No 1196597

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Monday09:00 - 12:00
Thursday17:00 - 20:00
Friday14:00 - 17:00
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