Give your time and support to help raise awareness of asthma and to raise essential funds for our asthma advice sessions.

MASH is now a Medway Time Credits partner, so you could earn Time Credits while volunteering with us.

Find out more by contacting MASH and at


MASH is currently looking for volunteers to help at our information and fundraising events in particular. Examples of how you can get involved might include ....

  • You could choose to organise your own event or activity to raise money with family or friends
  • You could join in with one of our fundraising events, participating or helping at our sponsored swims, regular quiz nights and pamper evenings
  • You could help us at an information and awareness event at local supermarkets, shopping centres, schools and children centres and other community events.
  • Would you be interested in being helping out with our mascot, Deano the Dinosaur?
  • You could help us in the office or clinic, greeting clients when they arrive or doing work in the background to help us run our service
  • You could help us with your fundraising application and bid writing experience

Volunteers are an essential part of our events. If you think you could spare a few hours to come along and help, please download, print off and fill in the Volunteer Application Form (see below). Then either post it or scan it and email it back to us. Alternatively, you can phone us or use our contact form to request a hard copy.

Contact information: 
Tel: 01634 855844 
Email address:

MASH Volunteer Application Form
Volunteer Application Form in pdf format.
MASH Volunteer Application Form May 15.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [53.4 KB]
Meet Deano the Dinosaur, our mascot, who regularly puts in an appearance at our community outreach events
MASH Annual Report 2023 - 2024
Annual Report 2023 - 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.1 MB]
Registered Charity No 1196597

Our business hours

Monday09:00 - 12:00
Thursday17:00 - 20:00
Friday14:00 - 17:00
Please leave us a message outside business hours or send us a message by email or via the website.

Contact us

Telephone: 01634 855844

Or use our contact form.

Follow us on Facebook

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© Medway Asthma Self-Help