Events 2024

Pamper Evening 


Sorry you have missed our Early Bird Offer Pamper Evening Tickets. If you wosh to come to the event, tickets are now £5 and are available on the door. Limited tickets available.

The first quiz night of 2024 is fast appraching!!!


Friday 9th February 2024


7pm for a 7.30pm start


It's going to be a fun evening, we hope you can join us!

Events 2023


Our next quiz night is on Friday 7th July.


Why not come along and test your knowledege, and meet some of the MASH team.


It's always a fun evening. We hope to see you there!



Why not come and join MASH for World Asthma Day. We have some fun activities and information stalls and special visit from the Mayor of Medway.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Events 2022

Our forthcoming events, so far confimed, include:

Our Quiz Night is back!!!


If you fancy a fun night quizzing with us please get in contact to book your table.

Events 2021

May and June 2021 

Clive's MASH 25 Hairstyle Challenge


MASH's chair of trustees, Clive, has challenged himself to raise funds for MASH's 25th Birthday celebrations with 25 hairstyles over 25 day, all before the big post-lockdown haircut.


If you would like to support Clive's fundraising, then you can do so here:


You can see Clive's hairstyles each day on our social media (Facebook and Twitter) and on our 25th Birthday page.

Saturday 26th June 2021 

MASH Online Quiz Night                                      Via Zoom


Join the team at Medway Asthma Self-Help (MASH) and test your general knowledge at our online quiz night on Saturday 26th June at 7pm via Zoom. There will be 10 rounds of 10 questions over broad themes.


There is a suggested donation of £5 and to find out or register to join us, please email or send a message via social media or our contact page here.


Donations can be made at:

Past events in the last year include:

MASH Annual Report 2023
MASH Annual Report 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [4.3 MB]
Registered Charity No 1196597

Our business hours

Monday09:00 - 12:00
Thursday17:00 - 20:00
Friday14:00 - 17:00
Please leave us a message outside business hours or send us a message by email or via the website.

Contact us

Telephone: 01634 855844

Or use our contact form.

Follow us on Facebook

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© Medway Asthma Self-Help